Yesterday was tough, but a good slap across my face too. It was after my first night back at hospital after being sick for a few days and I was over it, wanting to get home ASAP. I told Colleen the same on the phone and Violet was listening. Violets’ attitude changed after that, she wanted to go home and was grumpy and over it!

It was a massive reality hit, how must my daughter really feel? She has been in these 4 walls for 13 days and still has at least another week to go with her BMT. At least I get to go home every other day. This isn’t about me, I need to HTFU, step up and be there for my wife and family. I also need to watch what I say and do in front of my kids. It’s easier said than done and really hard when you’ve been sick and tired.

That was yesterday, a day to learn hard lessons that I’d previously learnt but forgotten. Today is a new day, a day to appreciate what I have, lift myself and my family up. Look up. Believe. Love. Know God is there.