On 18 June 2023 Lighthouse Church Bridge dedicated their new playspace in Violets honor. We had the privilege to share a little about Violet at church, below is what we said.

Shortly after her 6th Birthday, our youngest daughter Violet, was diagnosed with stage 4 neuroblastoma - cancer. The next 6 years Violet fought through 5 relapses, countless treatments and medical procedures. Despite the often traumatic nature of what Violet had to go through, she was the epitome of child-like faith. Even at a very young age, she would both surprise and challenge us with her perceptiveness and ask questions that we’d never even pondered.

Early on, before her diagnosis, when she was quite unwell and I was at my wits end with how to help her she turned to me and said. “You know what I need. It starts with ppph”. Panadol I replied? “No Mummy” she said “you know”. I wracked my brains. Her sister Piper? Lolly POP? “no Mummy - she said exasperated - “PRAYER!” It’s moments like these that are a slap-in-the face reminder to go to faith. There were many times Violet would challenge our faith and remind us to pray, often during a medical emergency or procedure when her hospital room was filled with nurses and doctors.

Violet continued to minister to and inspire her school family even with her very limited attendance. I say family because that’s what they became. Violet had a way of drawing others to her. She would often appear from a playground and introduce us to a new friend she’d made - 10 minutes after arriving. Violet exemplified love and compassion. After learning about bilby conservation on a school excursion, Violet became passionate about bilbies. She was given a knitted bilby called “Bilbina” not long before her diagnosis and from then on Bilbina went everywhere with Violet. You might notice Bilbina and her ‘husband’ Billy on the play space plaque.

The legacy Violet left was one of love, compassion and gratitude. Her heart for God, meant that when she was told there was no more treatment and she was going to go to heaven to be with Jesus, there was no fear for herself, only concern for those she was leaving behind, and a determination to spend the rest of the time she had helping others. The morning after she passed away, our city was bathed in Violet as Jacaranda’s blossomed everywhere! The most magnificent is the one at the entrance to our church. One of many of God’s treasures in the darkness we witnessed over the years.

When initially asked if the play space could be dedicated in memory of Violet, we were challenged, as we felt the honour was too large. But in prayer and contemplation we accepted as we see the playground not only signifying Violet’s faith, but the faith that surrounded her and us through some pretty tough years. We have been sustained and upheld in this place, our firm foundation. When no words were left, and we no longer knew what to pray, our church family were there to lift us up both physically and spiritually.

We believe dedicating this space is not just for Violet, but all of you too, our family, our community. Not only because you supported us, but because we know you’ve gone through challenging times too, we know many who have lost babies, had sickness, medical complexities and cancer, and the Church has been there for you too. We hope this play space reminds us all that God and His Church family are always near.

Photo of playground Plaque with Bilbina and Billy Bilbies on the fence