Violet Ruth Box was born on the 5th of October 2009. She was named after her Great Aunty Ruth, one if the most beautiful, nurturing souls you could ever meet, who passed from cancer while Violet was still growing in my belly. Violet asked many questions about Ruth over the years and they were amazingly similar in many ways, although they weren’t blood related and had never actually met.

Violet was a sensitive child. She felt so deeply. She often took on the names ‘Koala’ and ‘Barnacle’ in her early years because she loved to be held and carried. Touch was her love language and continued to be throughout her life.

Her love for craft started early and I can remember the first time we painted together. I think she was around 16 months, she sat there studiously and painted, even tasting the paint… to check for quality. Thankfully, “checking for quality” moved on to her creative baking later on.

Violet was a nurturer and like her sister Piper, loved her dolls. They would go everywhere with them. Sometimes they would substitute the dolls for other things. I can remember a time they found some hand weights to use as babies and swaddled them with blankets. The guinea pigs felt the same love and also enjoyed some adventures in the doll’s prams. Everything came to life for Violet. Every stuffed toy, insect, rock, plant, craft project was given a name and a personality. Her imagination had no limit.

Anyone who knew Violet, knew of her love for Bilbies. This originated from an excursion she attended in Prep about bilby conservation driven by her passionate teacher, Mrs Tibbits, who had such a great influence on her. A friend of Violet’s Nana (Marling) heard of Violet’s love for bilbies and Violet’s knitted Bilby was born and affectionately named ‘Bilbina’. Bilbina has not left Violet’s side throughout her journey. She’s shared thousands of hugs and caught as many tears. Bilbina endured her own scars during Violet’s battle, in particular during Violet’s Bone Marrow Transplant where everything had to be washed at 70 degrees to maintain a sterile environment. Unfortunately, if anything touched the floor, it had to be rewashed (at 70 degrees) before she could touch it again. This bought a who new meaning to “the floor is lava.” Thus, realising Bilbina wouldn’t survive many of these washes, we made a request to Marling. Billy the “Back up Bilby” was made. Learning from our past mistakes, we used bandages to tie Billy to the hospital ceiling so he’d never touch the floor.

Now with 2 beautiful bilbies, Violet’s imagination went into overdrive. Violet spent the rest of her waking hours in Transplant, (in between crafting of course) planning a wedding for Billy and Bilbina. When we asked Violet if she wanted to be buried with her bilbies, she was horrified “Nooo, you can’t bury them! I want you to look after them!”

Violet loved people. She has always had this ability to make friends where ever she went. Whether it be school, a park or a trip to Bunnings, Violet would be telling us about a new friend she’d made. When we told Violet that there was no more treatment, her tears were not for herself, but for her friends whom she knew would be so sad. Comment about IZZY, Nadia and Charlotte???

Music has always been a huge love for Violet. We have countless videos of Violet dancing and singing whether hooked up to an IV pole or confined to a hospital bed. One of her favourite songs in her early days of treatment was Home Among the Gum Trees which fitted right in with her love for Australian animals. She would request it in the car on every trip to hospital. Usually multiple times! We often sung it in music therapy in hospital and even made up our own lyrics called Give me a Home in 5C , after the oncology day ward. We were blessed to have the opportunity to meet John Williamson during this time.

Last year she decided she really wanted a ukelele for her Birthday. She then taught herself how to play and spent every day practicing until she got a song right. After watching Piper at her drama performances, she decided she wanted to give it a go too and joined our local Drama classes. We saw her confidence grow as she went each week, even when she couldn’t go to school, Drama was the highlight of her week. This also helped with the numerous interviews and segments Violet recorded for Juiced TV, the Children’s hospital TV Channel.

Violet faced so many challenges during her time here on Earth. When I think of Violet, I don’t think of the pain she went through or challenges she faced (and we know there were many). I remember a wise and giving little girl who was truly selfless and loving. As time continues I’ve come to realise that Violet was not of this World. She was borrowed from Heaven for a short time to teach us all about love, gratitude and empathy. She wouldn’t want us to be sad, but to live her legacy and remember what she’s left behind. Just truly love each other. Violet is not lost, though her body, her Earthly vessel remains on Earth, Violet is now at home, in Heaven. She’s dancing on Heaven’s dancefloor with her long hair flowing behind her, crochet hooks in her pocket.